To make deep coring, from 2 up to 40 linear meters, traditional and simple techniques can’t be used, in which the extraction of the concrete piece can be done easily.
In those cases, we need to use continuous coring to make a hole by screwing progressively specific extensions, with a length from 25 up to 100 cm and a diameter between 30 and 300 mm to reach the necessary depth.
By using this system, it is possible to make the hole in a single stroke, without extracting and inserting the core-bit every 50 cm and without the risk of breakings..
The coring waste material will be extracted in the end with the help of an extractor that simplifies the cleaning of the hole and reduces the time for the execution.
The images show an extraction on a white marble wall in the Carrara quarry. The user has executed a blind hole 4,5-meter deep with an 82mm diameter.
Due to the severe conditions of use, they choose a single-phase SEA Technology coring machine of 3200 Watt, model SEM32. The coring machine is fitted on a professional steel rig, model PSTAND250, that supports holes between 20 and 300mm.
The coring system, together with the power of the motor and the great rigidity of the steel rig, has allowed our customer to realize different holes in excellent time, with great satisfaction for the work done.
With the SEA Technology continuous coring solutions it is possible to make blind hoes or crossing-wall holes, on different materials like building bricks, concrete, rocks, stones, reinforced concrete, marble and granite.
- The user has executed a blind hole 4,5-meter deep with an 82mm diameter
- they choose a single-phase SEA Technology coring machine of 3200 Watt, model SEM32.
- The coring machine is fitted on a professional steel rig, model PSTAND250, that supports holes between 20 and 300mm.